Free Desperados 3 Update Lets You Fight Crime as a Chicken

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Desperados 3 came out of seemingly nowhere to blow audiences away. Mimimi’s latest stealth-based strategy game is a joy to play with tons of content and a few innovative mechanics. But the developers aren’t just resting on their laurels. They’ve also been putting out new Baron challenges, which task you with completing scenarios under various circumstances. The latest set is a doozy. Give it a look below.

That’s right Desperados 3 fans. No longer will Agent Cooper be the hero of this tale. Isabelle won’t be darting any foes. And Bianca will, unfortunately, be laid to rest. Instead, the merry band of heroes has been replaced by a ragtag group of animal partners. Trust me, it looks as ridiculous as it sounds.

But that’s what makes the Baron’s challenges so much fun. They don’t need to make sense within the larger story. They’re just there for a good laugh. Alongside the Rescue Aid Society challenge, there are three others that sound just as fun. One gives Hector three of his beloved beartraps and puts his skills to the test. Another has you playing a murderous game of Where’s Waldo as you try to pick out three targets from a sea of doppelgangers. It’s all good fun.

And, for anyone looking to get into speedrunning Desperados 3, the team is running a new contest. Essentially, you’ll need to run through the Flagstone level to try and win some fun prizes. Though, you’d better get started soon as submission close soon.

Desperados 3 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. If you have any desire to try out a new tactics game, I highly suggest giving this one a look.

The post Free Desperados 3 Update Lets You Fight Crime as a Chicken by Ricky Frech appeared first on DualShockers.

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