Fitness Boxing Evokes the Wii Era of Casual Workout Games

Fitness Boxing, Imagineer, News, Nintendo, Originals, Switch, Wii Fit

Kicking off the new year with fitness in mind, Imagineer’s new Nintendo Switch exclusive Fitness Boxing has a new overview trailer that showcases all the features in the game. Published by Nintendo, Fitness Boxing is a clear callback to the fitness game avalanche that happened on the Wii. You can watch the trailer below.

Fitness Boxing has everything you’d expect out of a family-friendly fitness game. You punch, jab, and swing to the beat of a song to rack up a high score while working out. The workouts can be customized from their speed, the muscles that are targeted, the length of the session, and more. The on-screen trainer’s appearance can be customized too, with new accessories unlocked the more you play/workout.

There is also two player support. Players can use one Joy-Con each or each use a pair. There is simultaneous training or a versus mode. In the versus mode, players duke it out by throwing punches and dodging them. Fitness Boxing also has an in-game calendar to keep track over when and how players worked out.

The game and trailer clearly elicit the vibe of previous generations of fitness-focused video games. From its rhythm focused gameplay to the simple and clean aesthetic, Fitness Boxing looks like a game from 2008. The ability for it to be portable on the Switch does make it more convenient for travelers and folks on the go.

For anyone that would like to try out Fitness Boxing, there is a free three day demo on the Switch eShop. Fitness Boxing will be released exclusively on Nintendo Switch tomorrow, January 4 for $49.99. Now I wonder when the Fitness Boxing coach will be invited to Smash?

The post Fitness Boxing Evokes the Wii Era of Casual Workout Games by Max Roberts appeared first on DualShockers.

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