Dragon Ball FighterZ Gets Release Dates for the Americas and Europe

Bandai Namco, Dragon Ball Fighterz, Originals, PC, Platforms, PS4, Xbox One

Today Bandai Namco announced the release date for the Americas and Europe of the upcoming fighting game Dragon Ball FighterZ.

The game will launch in both regions for PS4, Xbox One. and PC on January 26th, 2018, even if a few countries (like Italy, for example) will get the console versions one day early, on January 25th.

This is actually a few days earlier than the Japanese launch of the game, which will happen on February 1st.

In addition to the official release date, we also get to take a look at the box artwork for PS4 and PC. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it’s identical to the Japanese one that was recently revealed.

If you want to see more of the game, you can check out a recent gallery of screenshots, a trailer featuring Cell. another trailer introducing Android 21, on top of one showing Majin Buu, and another featuring Gohan.

Speaking of Android 21, you can also read how the development team hopes that her popularity will expand beyond the game, possibly into other titles and even anime. Apparently, the possibility exists, as long as the fans like her.

Incidentally, digital pre-orders for the game are also going to be available today on the PlayStation and Xbox Store.

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