Shadow of the Colossus

If you love Shadow of the Colossus, then this is for you: Sony Interactive Entertainment recently released a dynamic PS4 theme dedicated to Team ICO’s masterpiece. The theme comes with custom icons, soundtrack, and a slideshow of different backgrounds showing beautiful vistas from the game. Unfortunately, it’s available only on the Japanese PlayStation Store, and
Today is Wednesday, and as usual, Media Create released its weekly top-twenty ranking for software sales in Japan, accompanied by the hardware chart. Below you can see the software chart for the week between February 5th and February 11th. Monster Hunter World – PS4 – 159,613/1,750,969 Dynasty Warriors 9 – PS4 – 117,495/New Sword Art Online:
Bluepoint Games has been most easily identified as a “remaster studio” due to its work bringing older games like the Uncharted trilogy, Gravity Rush, and God of War to current generation platforms over the years. While this work often goes unnoticed, there is a certain art and skill that comes with these ports that might often get overlooked. In a
Following today’s reveal at Sony Interactive Entertainment’s pre-Paris Games Week press conference, the house of PlayStation released a press kit with a batch of lovely screenshots. We get to see more of the environments, the heroic protagonist, and the colossi themselves. One thing is for sure: thanks to the fresh assets being developed by Sony
Like every year, Sony Interactive Entertainment hosted PlayStation E3 Experience, a series of viewings of its E3 press conference in theaters across North and South America. This year probably can’t be compared to the “E3 of Dreams” as many have grown to call the press conference in 2015, with the announcements of Final Fantasy VII