Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star

Publisher Marvelous has just released a short teaser trailer for the upcoming Fate/Extella Link right before the new year. This new trailer, seen below, brings to light a few new characters, and perhaps more importantly, a solid release date in Japan. Much like previous series titles, Fate/Extella Link will feature hack-and-slash action against large numbers of enemies. Link will feature a facelift
The Senran Kagura series has always been seen as quite niche, but it’s doing rather well for Marvelous Entertainment. Today Producer Kenichiro Takaki shared on Twitter that the series has sold a cumulative total of 1.65 million copies. He also mentioned that initially no one expected it to sell more than 30,000. こないだのイベントで言い忘れたのですが、3 万本売れたら凄いね、と言われながら始まった閃乱カグラは5年間でWWシリーズ販売累計165万本突破してました。売り上げが全てではないですけど、伸びれば嬉しいです。…お小遣いもらってもいい感じじゃないですかね? pic.twitter.com/MhSJdNpdon