Apex Legends Players Are Finding Mysterious Jump Pads Around The Map

Apex Legends, News, Originals, PC, Platforms, PS4, respawn-entertainment, Xbox One

Over on the official Apex Legends subreddit players have begun posting images and video of what they believe to Octane’s ultimate skill scattered throughout King’s Canyon, the game’s map. On top of that, it looks like Respawn Entertainment developers are alluding to this being the rumored Legend’s ultimate attack. So it’s pretty safe to say that the Octane leak is probably real, and the character is probably coming soon along with the game’s first season pass.

Octane’s skills appear to include a passive that has him heal whenever he’s not taking damage. Additionally, his tactical skill is called “Adrenaline Junkie,” and has him move 30 percent faster for six seconds at the cost of 10 percent of his health. As you’ve probably guessed, Octane’s ult looks to place bounce pads that you can use to get the high ground on your enemies. Of course, nothing’s confirmed until it’s confirmed but it’s looking more and more likely that Octane is certainly real and will be the first new character in Apex Legends. 

Apex Legends has taken the Battle Royale world by storm, amassing more than 50 million players in just one month. We gave the game a 10 out of 10, saying that the game takes “Battle Royale to New Heights.” If you’ve been enjoying the game, there’s still time for you to grab the Twitch Prime freebies until April 18 which gives you access to a Pathfinder skin as well as five loot boxes.

Apex Legends is available now on Xbox One, PS4, and PC via Origin.

The post Apex Legends Players Are Finding Mysterious Jump Pads Around The Map by Jordan Boyd appeared first on DualShockers.

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